It's 2014 and customer service now occurs under the public spotlight. Whether it's on social media or via a blog post, when customers believe they have a legitimate gripe with a brand, they'll tell the world. Or at least as much of the world as they can. These days, the amount of people a consumer can potentially reach via social media is enough to hurt a brand, especially if that brand isn't listening. In today's Internet Age, customer service no longer means answering letters or sitting by the phone, it means actively monitoring various social channels to see what your customers are saying about your products and services.
Social relationship management begins at the core of your company and builds outward. Once you foster trust and increase social buy-in amongst your team, they will shape and mold the perception of your brand in the social media world.
Implementing and executing a social relationship management process is easier said than done, so we focused our latest whitepaper on How To Unite Your Brand With Social Relationship Management.
Picture this: a customer has a bad experience with your company. It happens to even the best brands. It may well be an isolated, rare occurrence. A faulty product or just somebody having a bad day. But after your unhappy customer unsuccessfully reaches out to your company by social media, they decide they're angry enough to make a blog post. After the blog post goes viral, you've got a problem on your hands.
This is why you need to read our How To Unite Your Brand With Social Relationship Management whitepaper. We'll walk you though how and why the consumer-brand relationship has changed, where the power has shifted, and what your team can do to show your customers you really love them.
What's Inside
The Science of Social Relationship Management: your brand is only as good as the people behind it. Once you learn the science behind managing people and relationships, you'll know how to better equip your team to take great care of your customers.
How To Out-Of-This-World Customer Service: when your customers feel like you go above and beyond to show them how much their business means to you, it'll go a long way to defining your brand's social image. And when you start to build a positive perception in the public's eye, your marketing will feel less like marketing and more like a basic, human relationship.