Gilles Dandel

WSI Obiweb

Go Digital, Be Successful.

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Gilles Dandel

Service Areas

  • Paris
  • Yvelines
  • Ile de France
  • France

Recent Engagements

  • Google Partner
  • Expert Marketing Digital à CCI Plato IdF
  • Keynote speaker au Digital Summit Paris 2015 & 2016
  • Médaille Argent Trophées Web Marketing B2B 2018


  • Définir une stratégie marketing digital adaptée aux objectifs (France et/ou International)
  • Génération de Prospects qualifiés pour alimenter les Commerciaux via Internet
  • Reporting du ROI
  • Coaching, Formation et Accompagnement des clients vers plus d'autonomie

Get to Know Me in 60 Seconds

Go Digital, Be Successful.

Je crois que toutes les entreprises devraient avoir un site internet efficace.

J'ai rejoint WSI pour disposer de toutes les ressources et expertises nécessaires pour aider mes clients à réussir sur internet pour:

1. Développer leur notoriété
2. Générer des leads
3. Entretenir la communication avec leurs clients

Concrètement je délivre les prestations suivantes :

- Audit, Analyse, Conseils, Coaching, Formation, Stratégie
- Création de site internet, application mobile, profil de réseaux sociaux
- Développement de la visibilité : Référencement naturel (SEO), Référencement payant (SEA), Community management, marketing de contenus, Vidéos, Social Selling
- Transformation des visiteurs en prospects : Landing Page, Marketing Automation, Lead Magnets
- Tableau de bord / ROI

Mike Chavez - Mike Chavez Painting, Owner.
“It's been really good working with WSI, very easy and professional. WSI has done a great job with my internet marketing."
Mike Chavez - Mike Chavez Painting, Owner.
Julio Cesar Vieira dos Santos - Clinica da Mama, Owner.
“During our partnership with WSI, we were shown promising new ways to market our company. Today we work with statistics and more accurate data and realize the digital space is an essential tool for Clinica da Mama to position itself in an increasingly competitive field."
Julio Cesar Vieira dos Santos - Clinica da Mama, Owner.
Mike Chavez - Up to 74% Increase in Organic Traffic and Inquiries
Mike ChavezHome Service

Up to 74% Increase in Organic Traffic and Inquiries

Mike Chavez Painting is a local business who was looking to improve its website design to better showcase their work and enhance their good reputation. Since partnering with WSI, they have launched a competitive SEO strategy and...

CLINICA DA MAMA - Increased Online Bookings By More Than 100%

Increased Online Bookings By More Than 100%

Due to an unoptimized and poorly maintained digital presence, Clinica da Mama was losing potential customers to less qualified breast clinics in the area. Partnering with WSI enabled them to "go digital" with their customer acquisition activities.

How Can We Help You?

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