Mount Kilimanjaro ain’t no molehill. It stands at 5,895m in elevation and is the highest peak in Africa.
And while Kilimanjaro sounds like a cool, widescreen, Facebook-worthy photo op to some, there’s a group of people who are preparing to make the climb to its peak in order to raise some much-need awareness.
That said, today we’re taking a minor break from digital marketing chit chat to talk about a cause near and dear to WSI. For years now, WSI’s been supporting a wonderful global initiative alongside World Vision. Through our charitable organization Make Child Poverty History (MCPH), we’ve worked to mobilize resources in an effort to eradicate child poverty, one child at a time.

This social responsibility and global initiative is truly deep-rooted throughout the entire WSI team. So when the opportunity to participate in the Kili Climb 4 Kids presented itself, Dan Monaghan, co-founder of WSI, jumped right in.
Dan, along with Team World Vision and several celebrity ambassadors, is set to conquer Kilimanjaro from June 16th to 24th with a goal to raise $150,000 to fight child slavery. This team will also tour the Ketumbeine Area Development Program in Tanzania to see World Vision’s work first hand!
WSI is extremely proud to a part of this phenomenal cause and – of course – we’re excited to see the group make the trek up Kilimanjaro over the coming days. Word has it that Dan has a WSI branded flag in tow and will be posting what could be the greatest photo we’ve ever seen once they reach the top of the mountain.
From everyone here at home, GOOD LUCK to Team World Vision!
Get Involved and Donate Today
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Follow the Journey: #KiliClimb4Kids
You can follow Dan and the rest of Team World Vision along the way: