Cheryl Baldwin

Cheryl Baldwin

Marketing Executive with experience in inbound marketing, content marketing & social media marketing.
How to Provide Customer Service on Twitter
Social Media

How to Provide Customer Service on Twitter

Read our digital marketing blog to learn all about how you can provide more effective customer support on Twitter in 201...

5 Ways to Use Social Media Marketing Hashtags
Social Media

5 Ways to Use Social Media Marketing Hashtags

The use of social media marketing hashtags is an important part of social media marketing. Find out how to use them to m...

The Future of Marketing: 5 Predictions for 2019
Future of Marketing & AI

The Future of Marketing: 5 Predictions for 2019

Learn more about the future of marketing with WSI's annual prognostication post, complete with 5 marketing predictions f...

The Best Digital Marketing Insight and Advice

The WSI Digital Marketing Blog is your ideal place to get tips, tricks, and best practices for digital marketing.